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Wyeast 1084 Irish Ale

Batch No. Name Style OG FG ABV Mash Temp App. Att. Ferm. Days Ferm. Temp Notes
4 Foam Dome Stout Stout 1.051 1.009 5.5% 154° 82% 23
8 Procrastination Oatmeal Porter Porter 1.064 1.010 7.1% 147° 84% 24
47 Tyo's Fourth of JulIrish Red, White & Brew Irish Red 1.054 1.007 6.2% 151° 87% 25 72-76°
48 Chernobyl Stout Russian Imperial Stout 1.126 1.040 11.3% 157° 68% 38 66-68°
49 Big Nose Blonde Blonde Ale 1.040 1.006 4.5% 150° 85% 15 68-72°


Styles brewed with 1084 Irish Ale: