Vital Statistics:
Recipe: 9 lb 2-row pale malt 1 lb crystal 20° 13.2 AAU (34g @ 11.1% AA) Chinook @ 60 4 AAU (32g @ 3.5% AA) Czech Saaz @ 30 4 AAU (32g @ 3.5% AA) Czech Saaz @ 20 4 AAU (32g @ 3.5% AA) Czech Saaz @ 5 135-140g fresh hops of unknown variety went into the primary fermenter. 1 Irish Moss tablet @ 15 min Wyeast 1272 - American Ale II | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
General Notes: First batch brewed with homegrown hops. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Tasting Notes: Tasted 2/5/2010. Poured from 22oz bomber into a tulip. Appearance: hazy golden color with one finger of ivory head. Most of these bottles carbonated up pretty well so I could have got a lot more head with a more violent pour. I am getting a pretty good lace out of this as well; I'm quite happy with the overall look. (4) Smell: sweet malt aroma with a great big dose of floral hops. The hops smell quite fresh but the overall effect is rather one-dimensional. It is pretty well balanced, however. (3.5) Taste: relatively malty flavor with more of those floral hops. Bitterness is, frankly, on the low side; I probably could have gone 16 AAU for the Chinook. Aftertaste is more of the caramel malt and is a hair too sweet, and has a bit of a "dusty" quality which I cannot really describe any better. Not bad, but could be better. (3.5) Mouthfeel: medium body with giant carbonation from bottle conditioning. Kegged, this probably would not get as high a score. Kind of perverse, eh? (4) Drinkability: this beer is quite sessionable, but due to flavor imperfections isn't quite as drinkable as it could be. Still not bad; I would have a coupla these in a row. (3.5) Overal score 3.65 (B). I think this beer ended up quite the success. Perhaps bumping the Chinook and taking down the crystal a notch, say to 12oz, would help. A more efficient mash might also help dry things out. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Hops Table