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Sunday Stout

Vital Statistics:

Batch Number:83
Brew Date:27 April 2014
Original Gravity:1.052 (12.86 °Plato)
Final Gravity:1.009 (2.31 °Plato)
Calories per pint:224
Estimated IBU (Rager):35.2
Estimated IBU (Tinseth):27.5
Mash Temperature:153°
Mash Efficiency:77%
Days in Primary:20  
Days in Secondary:0 (kegged on 17 May 2014)
Ferm. Temp. Notes:68-73°
Yeast Used:1056 American Ale
Apparent Attenuation:83%
Real Attenuation:67%
Entirely Consumed:Yes (finished 13 March 2015)
Availability:300 days

8 lb 2-row pale malt
1 lb flaked oats
12 oz roasted barley
10.7 oz chocolate malt

6 AAU (17g @ 9.8% AA) Belma @ 60
3 AAU (9g @ 9.8% AA) Belma @ 20
5.5 AAU (32g @ 4.8% AA) Glacier @ 5

Wyeast 1056 - American Ale
General Notes:

Used yeast cake from batch #78.
Tasting Notes:

Tasting notes taken 4 August 2014, a whopping 79 days after kegging. Dispensed from kegerator into a dimpled mug.

Appearance: black body with brown highlights around the edges when held up to the light. Head is a thin layer of tan foam which leaves a little lace on the glass. I had pressurization issues with this keg, which explains both the late review and the poor head formation. Still ... a good looking beer. (3.75)

Smell: roasty, chocolatey aroma with just a hint of sweetness. It's a bit light, but actually quite enticing. I really like the composition here. (4)

Taste: roasty up front with a bit of chocolate in the middle and a bit of ashy astringency. It's a little rough around the edges, but a pretty classic stout flavor. Hop character is basically nonexistent but bitterness is pretty blanaced. I'm mostly happy with it -- I would like it either a little smoother or with a little more character. (3.75)

Mouthfeel: medium body with a pretty decent carbonation. It's not 100% perfect, but taking in the pressurization issues I've had it's not at all bad considering. (3.75)

Drinkability: highly drinkable for a stout. Though the flavors are a bit turned down, this actually turns up the quaffability in a beer like this. I'm pretty happy with it. (4)

Overall score 3.83 (B+). I would like to turn up the flavor and aroma just a hint; the composition is good, but a little bit more intensity and perhaps complexity would be quite good. The somewhat high fermentation temperatures don't seem to have done this beer any wrong, which I'm glad to find. Perhaps the long aging before this review helped; it certainly was necessary due to the slow carbonation process.
Hops Table
Hop Variety Addition Time AAU AA% Quantity (g) Type IBU (Rager) IBU (Tinseth) Notes
Belma 60 6.00 9.8 17 Pellet 24.7 18.5  
Belma 20 3.00 9.8 9 Pellet 6.3 5.6  
Glacier 5 5.50 4.8 32 Pellet 4.2 3.4