Beer Grid - Hops Grid - Style Grid - Yeast Grid - Competition Grid - Hops Inventory

Black Grätzer

Vital Statistics:

Batch Number:58
Brew Date:19 May 2012
Original Gravity:1.055 (13.57 °Plato)
Final Gravity:1.012 (3.07 °Plato)
Calories per pint:238
Estimated IBU (Rager):53.2
Estimated IBU (Tinseth):45.2
Mash Temperature:149°
Mash Efficiency:88%
Days in Primary:51  
Days in Secondary:0 (kegged on 10 July 2012)
Ferm. Temp. Notes:68-73°
Yeast Used:3056 Bavarian Wheat Blend
Apparent Attenuation:78%
Real Attenuation:63%
Entirely Consumed:Yes (finished 2 November 2012)
Availability:115 days

5 lb wheat malt
3 lb rauch malt
1 lb Breiss midnight wheat
4 oz peated malt

5 AAU (10g @ 14.5% AA) Columbus @ 60
10 AAU (19g @ 14.5% AA) Columbus @ 20
20 AAU (39g @ 14.2% AA) Citra @ 5

Wyeast 3056 - Bavarian What Blend
General Notes:

Tasting Notes:

Tasting notes taken 27 August 2012, 48 days after kegging. Poured from tap into a tulip.

Appearance: black in color with some brown around the edges. Head poured a couple of fingers of creamy tan foam which leave a nice lace on the glass. Color is not really indicative of a normal Grätzer, but I like it: looks like a porter, but with the head of a wheat beer! (4)

Smell: smoky, with a hint of roasted malt aroma. The midnight wheat malt was supposedly just going to contribute color, but there's definitely a porterlike aroma here. A light fruitines can probably be attributed to the hops. Hop aroma seems surprisingly light, considering the nearly 1.33 ounces of Citra at 5 minutes; however, they have to contend with a lot of smoke. A bit bizarre, overall, but interesting and enjoyable. (4)

Taste: smoky and porterlike with a roasted malt flavor and a little bit of a dark, astringent bite. Surprisingly, there is not much in the way of that vegetal hop character which often shows up in hoppy, dark beers. I may want to look at this midnight wheat for coloring porters in the future. Bitterness is not terribly high, although there is a nice light hop fruitiness. Overall, a successful experiment! (4)

Mouthfeel: medium-light body with a decent carbonation and a good creaminess. Lowish mash temperature has rendered a pretty light body here, which is fine considering its purpose as a session quaffer. (4)

Drinkability: this is a highly drinkable beer to me. The smokiness is just about perfect, and keeps this beer interesting sip after sip. Bitterness is surprisingly low, especially considering its IPA-level calculated IBUs. I could quaff this all day. (4.5)

Overall score: 4.05 (A-). What an interesting beer. I definitely want to make another Grätzer without the midnight wheat, to get a more authentic experience. Also, I want to try a little more characterful yeast; the 3056 is decent but it didn't seem to add a whole lot here (or, at least, what it did add was hidden by all the smoke). And, as I said above, I definitely want to employ midnight wheat in a more traditional porter; I think that would really take the edge off.
Hops Table
Hop Variety Addition Time AAU AA% Quantity (g) Type IBU (Rager) IBU (Tinseth) Notes
Columbus 60 5.00 14.5 10 Pellet 20.3 15.0  
Columbus 20 10.00 14.5 19 Pellet 20.7 18.2  
Citra 5 20.00 14.2 39 Whole 12.2 12.0