Beer Grid - Hops Grid - Style Grid - Yeast Grid - Competition Grid - Hops Inventory

Noble Mild

Vital Statistics:

Batch Number:35
Style:Mild Ale
Brew Date:30 January 2011
Original Gravity:1.030 (7.56 °Plato)
Final Gravity:1.006 (1.54 °Plato)
Calories per pint:129
Estimated IBU (Rager):15.8
Estimated IBU (Tinseth):13.2
Mash Temperature:150°
Mash Efficiency:73%
Days in Primary:7  
Days in Secondary:0 (kegged on 6 February 2011)
Ferm. Temp. Notes:61-63°
Yeast Used:1968 London ESB
Apparent Attenuation:80%
Real Attenuation:65%
Entirely Consumed:Yes (finished 14 March 2011)
Availability:36 days

5 lb 2-row pale malt
4 oz Cara-Munich
4 oz Crystal 60°
4 oz chocolate malt

3 AAU (28g @ 3% AA) Hallertauer @ 60
1 AAU (9g @ 3% AA) Hallertauer @ 15

Whirlfloc tablet @ 15 min

Wyeast 1968 - London ESB
General Notes:

Tasting Notes:

Tasting notes taken 24 February 2011. Poured from tap into a pint glass.

Appearance: light brown with amber tint when held up to the light. Body is almost crystal-clear, which is pretty rare for a beer of mine so I like it. Head poured two fingers of creamy ecru foam but this has mostly dissipated in the last few minutes. Still, there is a nice lacing left on the glass. (4)

Smell: nice, light chocolatey aroma with a hint of tartness toward the end. I feel like the aroma is supposed to be washed-out here due to the light malt bill but it isn't really. There is really no hop character in the nose, which is to style. I find it rather successful. (4)

Taste: light malty flavor with the lightest hint of the chocolate which is present in the nose. The tartness remains; I'm thinking this is a result of acidity in the roasted malts. Hops are just barely, barely present, but they do add a nice balance to the beer. Overall, I'm quite pleased with the outcome of this brew. (4)

Mouthfeel: quite light in body but the carbonation is great. It's perhaps a touch over-carbonated, but that just lends a creaminess which I love. It may not be 100% to style, but I find it quite nice. (4)

Drinkability: very drinkable, sessionable beer. I could quaff loads of this stuff. It is tasty, low-alcohol and super smooth going down. The tartness is a little annoying in large quantities, but once I have a handle on that I think this will be a major winner. (4)

Overall score 4.0 (B+). This beer turned out great. The reservations I had about the malt in the original 24 Hour Mild are gone here; I am leaning towards crediting the yeast with this transformation. I have a couple thoughts about helping the malt bill, though: perhaps use half a pound of Cara-Pils to replace half a pound of base malt, and perhaps use debittered Carafa malt instead of the chocolate malt. Also, I like the gentle Hallertauers here, but something light and earthy like Fuggle might be something to consider.
Hops Table
Hop Variety Addition Time AAU AA% Quantity (g) Type IBU (Rager) IBU (Tinseth) Notes
Hallertauer 60 3.00 3.0 28 Pellet 13.9 11.3  
Hallertauer 15 1.00 3.0 9 Pellet 1.9 1.9  
Competitions Entered
Competition Category Date Submitted Final Judging Date Score (High/Low) Outcome
Cascade Brewers Cup 2011 BJCP 11A - Mild Ale 24 February 2011 12 March 2011 37.5/50 (39/36) 4th place (honorable mention; 13 entries in English Brown Ale category).