Vital Statistics:
Recipe: 8 lb 2-row pale malt 1 lb flaked barley 14 oz chocolate malt 6 oz black barley 10 AAU (62g @ 4.5% AA) Willamette @ 60 5 AAU (31g @ 4.5% AA) Willamette @ 30 5 AAU (31g @ 4.5% AA) Willamette @ 5 1 Irish Moss tablet @ 15 min Wyeast 1056 - American Ale | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
General Notes: Used yeast cake from batch #18. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Tasting Notes: Tasting notes taken 6/1/2010. Poured into a tulip from the chilled keg. Appearance: entirely black with a suggestion of brown hue around the edges when held up to the light. Head was a thin finger of tan foam which dissipated rapidly. Color is spot-on; head was OK but that may be due to carbonation issues. (4) Smell: aroma is quite chocolatey with a bit of coffee. Small amounts of floral hops work their way in around the edges. The only drawback to the aroma is that it is a bit light in intensity. Still quite nice. (3.5) Taste: flavor is toward the coffee end of the spectrum. Hops are more pronounced than in the aroma and are quite earthy and a little vegetabley. Aftertaste is coffee and a nice bitterness. I rather like it. (4) Mouthfeel: medium body with a rather nice silkiness. Carbonation at this stage is OK and I'm getting a pretty good creaminess. I think this is among the best dark-beer mouthfeels I've achieved so far. (4) Drinkability: quite drinkable indeed. The hops do build a little bit on the palate, but overall it's very nice for a dark beer. I'm pretty impressed. (4) Overall score of 3.9 (B+). I rather like how this beer came out; I'm especially pleased by the malt bill. While the idea for the "American stout" was that I would hop it up with some good Northwest varieties, I think I could go a bit easier at each stage of the hopping. Perhaps it would be wise to drop each addition by 30-50%, but then dry-hop to get a little more hop aroma without adding the vegetable boiled-hop quality. I might even try using a little Cascade in there along with the Willamette. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Hops Table